2561 Evans Road, Bilbul NSW 2680
For Sale
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Property ID: 16578
Acres: 269.91
Hectares: 109.23
Property Features
Farm Features
Category : HorticultureALMOND ORCHARD & VINEYARD
Expand your operations or diversify into permanent plantings with farm 390 Evans Road, Bilbul.
10 Minutes from Griffith CBD, centrally located between wineries, the farm has been well developed from the 100kw solar system, large cambio post throughout, single wire trellis and well-producing almond trees.
- 45 acres* planted to Almonds in 2015 (Medium density)
- 30 Acres of bare land with drip irrigation installed from previous plantings.
- 182 acres* planted to wine grapes with 4 varieties, vi...
10 Minutes from Griffith CBD, centrally located between wineries, the farm has been well developed from the 100kw solar system, large cambio post throughout, single wire trellis and well-producing almond trees.
- 45 acres* planted to Almonds in 2015 (Medium density)
- 30 Acres of bare land with drip irrigation installed from previous plantings.
- 182 acres* planted to wine grapes with 4 varieties, vi...
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