For Sale: 262 Mutchilba Road

Property Features

Farm Features
Category : Horticulture


Address : 262 Mutchilba Road

Suburb : Mutchilba

State : QLD

Postal Code : 4872

Lot 221 - 262 Mutchilba Road, Mutchilba

This 40.8 hectare avocado farm is situated approximately 29 radial kilometres south west from Mareeba.

Structural improvements include one modern residence, a large, a computerised packing shed with habitable quarters built-in, a
machinery shed and a water allocation of 20 megalitres.

The orchard consists of 2 varieties of producing avocados - Shepard and Maluma.

Property improvements include:

• Large packing shed
• 4 bedroom + 1 bathroom rendere...

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