130 Channel Road, Walkamin QLD 4872
For Sale
Present Offers - Owners want it SOLD!
Property ID: 26029
Acres: 110.09
Hectares: 44.55

INVEST Property Management
219B Byrnes Street MAREEBA, 4880
Phone: +61418183444 Property Features
- - 1 Bathrooms
- - 5 Bedrooms
Farm Features
Category : CroppingNatari Orchards
Andrew Rogato is pleased to present for sale Natari Orchards. A rare offering for the region, the farm is a premier irrigated avocado and seedless lemon orchard with access to the domestic and export markets, Natari Orchards provides the key pillar of a profitable fruit orchard.
The property spans a total of 44.54 hectares with a total of 31 hectares under plantings and balance made up of cleared and part cleared land. The farm is made up of the following hol...
Andrew Rogato is pleased to present for sale Natari Orchards. A rare offering for the region, the farm is a premier irrigated avocado and seedless lemon orchard with access to the domestic and export markets, Natari Orchards provides the key pillar of a profitable fruit orchard.
The property spans a total of 44.54 hectares with a total of 31 hectares under plantings and balance made up of cleared and part cleared land. The farm is made up of the following hol...
Andrew Rogato is pleased to present for sale Natari Orchards. A rare offering for the region, the farm is a premier irrigated avocado and seedless lemon orchard with access to the domestic and export markets, Natari Orchards provides the key pillar of a profitable fruit orchard.
The property spans a total of 44.54 hectares with a total of 31 hectares under plantings and balance made up of cleared and part cleared land. The farm is made up of the following holdings:
Shepard Avocado – 24.7 hectares, 100% bearing.
Seedless Lemons – 6.4 hectares, 100% bearing.
Patented 1243 Early Variety Mango – 8 hectares new plantings.
There is considerable scope to further expand the orchard.
Natari Orchards is located within the Walkamin region conveniently situated to the Kennedy Highway. The strategic location of the farm provides all year-round access to a full array of markets, services, and amenities.
The Walkamin region has long been recognised as having one of Australia’s best climate conditions and one of Queensland’s premier producing avocado regions and is supported by an average annual summer dominant rainfall of 932.2 millimeters and an average temperature of 27.3C.
Quality Improvements:
The Property is equipped with quality operational infrastructure including cold room, packing shed, machinery shed, workshop, lock up chemical shed and staff room with amenities.
Accommodation features a substantialA full list of the substantial Plant and Equipment is available on request.
Natari Orchards is watered via the secure Sun Water Irrigation Scheme consisting of 137 megalitres underpinned by an earth storage dam. Two domestic bores interlinked with an extensive underground irrigation network servicing the pack shed, sheds and the homestead.
For further information on this opportunity please do not hesitate to contact the marketing agent Andrew Rogato on 0418183444 or email andrew@4880.com.au
Andrew Rogato is pleased to present for sale Natari Orchards. A rare offering for the region, the farm is a premier irrigated avocado and seedless lemon orchard with access to the domestic and export markets, Natari Orchards provides the key pillar of a profitable fruit orchard.
The property spans a total of 44.54 hectares with a total of 31 hectares under plantings and balance made up of cleared and part cleared land. The farm is made up of the following holdings:
Shepard Avocado – 24.7 hectares, 100% bearing.
Seedless Lemons – 6.4 hectares, 100% bearing.
Patented 1243 Early Variety Mango – 8 hectares new plantings.
There is considerable scope to further expand the orchard.
Natari Orchards is located within the Walkamin region conveniently situated to the Kennedy Highway. The strategic location of the farm provides all year-round access to a full array of markets, services, and amenities.
The Walkamin region has long been recognised as having one of Australia’s best climate conditions and one of Queensland’s premier producing avocado regions and is supported by an average annual summer dominant rainfall of 932.2 millimeters and an average temperature of 27.3C.
Quality Improvements:
The Property is equipped with quality operational infrastructure including cold room, packing shed, machinery shed, workshop, lock up chemical shed and staff room with amenities.
Accommodation features a substantialA full list of the substantial Plant and Equipment is available on request.
Natari Orchards is watered via the secure Sun Water Irrigation Scheme consisting of 137 megalitres underpinned by an earth storage dam. Two domestic bores interlinked with an extensive underground irrigation network servicing the pack shed, sheds and the homestead.
For further information on this opportunity please do not hesitate to contact the marketing agent Andrew Rogato on 0418183444 or email andrew@4880.com.au
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INVEST Property Management
219B Byrnes Street MAREEBA, 4880
Phone: +61418183444