. 'GBs', Koorda WA 6475
For Sale
Property ID: 27374
Acres: 2,401.86
Hectares: 972.00
Property Features
Farm Features
Category : CroppingUnder Offer
'GB's' features a majority portion of productive wheatbelt 'Mallee' soils which also run to some areas of 'Salmon' Gum and small areas of medium/light soil types. In recent years the farm has only had between 50% and 70% of the arable area cropped with the balance left to rest in pasture. Currently there is in excess of 400 hectares of spray topped pasture ready for the 2024 season. The farm rises generally from west to east.
Fertiliser in the cropping phase is generally applied at approximatel...
Fertiliser in the cropping phase is generally applied at approximatel...
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