405 Murphy - Yetna Road, Yetna WA 6532
For Sale
"Offers to Purchase"
Property ID: 33085
Acres: 3,222.25
Hectares: 1,304.00

Nutrien Harcourts
32 Farrall Road MIDVALE, 6056
Phone: 08 6459 8461 Property Features
Farm Features
Category : CroppingLocation
Address : 405 Murphy - Yetna Road
Suburb : Yetna
State : WA
Postal Code : 6532
'Chalnooka', Yetna (1304ha)
The offering of 'Chalnooka' presents an outstanding opportunity to acquire a versatile, mixed farming property in a tightly held region of WA's Midwest. Its proximity to Geraldton, reliable rainfall and productive soil types makes this property an excellent long term farming investment with further capital growth potential.
Located 25km north of Geraldton and 6km east of the North West Coastal highway in the Shire of Chapman Valley, 'Chalnooka' comprises of 779ha of sandy loam, red loam, gravel...
Located 25km north of Geraldton and 6km east of the North West Coastal highway in the Shire of Chapman Valley, 'Chalnooka' comprises of 779ha of sandy loam, red loam, gravel...
The offering of 'Chalnooka' presents an outstanding opportunity to acquire a versatile, mixed farming property in a tightly held region of WA's Midwest. Its proximity to Geraldton, reliable rainfall and productive soil types makes this property an excellent long term farming investment with further capital growth potential.
Located 25km north of Geraldton and 6km east of the North West Coastal highway in the Shire of Chapman Valley, 'Chalnooka' comprises of 779ha of sandy loam, red loam, gravel loam, sand over gravel and yellow sandplain soils within a reliable 450mm rainfall region. Included in the total cleared area is 24ha of established Gatten Panic perennial grass.
Enterprise choice is a key feature of 'Chalnooka'. A high standard of fencing, reliable water supply and an extensive water reticulation network allows for ease of management of the livestock enterprise, complemented by the necessary infrastructure required for a cropping program. The current owners have made a considerable effort to improve the property's cropping efficiency with the realignment of fences and the removal of banks, with smaller incremental gains still to be achieved in future years.
The infrastructure is proportional to the size of the property. The dual-purpose shearing and general storage shed is located centrally with access from Murphy Yetna Road. The 20m x 25m fully enclosed shed features four stands and a raised board, storage area for machinery or fertiliser and integrated ablutions. Approximately 500 head can be held undercover, while the adjoining loading ramp and 1000 head, bugle design yards allow for ease of stock handling.
The spray fill point is located directly west of the main shed on a well-established internal road and contains the 110kl steel water tank, 1 x 50kl liquid fertiliser tank and 1 x 10kl diesel tank.
Recent fence line realignment now has 'Chalnooka' subdivided into 8 main paddocks with a further 3 smaller holding paddocks. Fencing is generally of a high standard with steel posts and 7/90/30 ringlock now standard throughout the property. Approximately 3.5km of laneways assist with the efficient movement of livestock and the well-established internal road network enables grain haulage from strategic locations. Excellent gravel deposits will support further road building & maintenance.
The 2023 program consisted of 698ha of wheat, 25ha of spray-topped pasture and 34ha of Gatten Panic perennial grass. An estimated 15 - 22ha could be reclaimed for annual cropping with investment in reefinating and appropriate machinery.
Applied fertiliser rates align with district best practice, with 80kg Cropbuilder 18 Trace + 20kg MOP (10N, 14P, 10K, 4S, 0.06Cu, 0.16Zn) applied at seeding and NS spread post emergent. Approximately 2t/ha of limesand has been applied to all cropping areas in recent years.
Formal offers to purchase are invited, with settlement in January 2025. A detailed information Memorandum and cropping records are available on request to genuine buyers.
For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact;
Yves Beagley - Nutrien Harcourts
M:0438 326 608
E: yves.beagley@nutrien.com.au
Located 25km north of Geraldton and 6km east of the North West Coastal highway in the Shire of Chapman Valley, 'Chalnooka' comprises of 779ha of sandy loam, red loam, gravel loam, sand over gravel and yellow sandplain soils within a reliable 450mm rainfall region. Included in the total cleared area is 24ha of established Gatten Panic perennial grass.
Enterprise choice is a key feature of 'Chalnooka'. A high standard of fencing, reliable water supply and an extensive water reticulation network allows for ease of management of the livestock enterprise, complemented by the necessary infrastructure required for a cropping program. The current owners have made a considerable effort to improve the property's cropping efficiency with the realignment of fences and the removal of banks, with smaller incremental gains still to be achieved in future years.
The infrastructure is proportional to the size of the property. The dual-purpose shearing and general storage shed is located centrally with access from Murphy Yetna Road. The 20m x 25m fully enclosed shed features four stands and a raised board, storage area for machinery or fertiliser and integrated ablutions. Approximately 500 head can be held undercover, while the adjoining loading ramp and 1000 head, bugle design yards allow for ease of stock handling.
The spray fill point is located directly west of the main shed on a well-established internal road and contains the 110kl steel water tank, 1 x 50kl liquid fertiliser tank and 1 x 10kl diesel tank.
Recent fence line realignment now has 'Chalnooka' subdivided into 8 main paddocks with a further 3 smaller holding paddocks. Fencing is generally of a high standard with steel posts and 7/90/30 ringlock now standard throughout the property. Approximately 3.5km of laneways assist with the efficient movement of livestock and the well-established internal road network enables grain haulage from strategic locations. Excellent gravel deposits will support further road building & maintenance.
The 2023 program consisted of 698ha of wheat, 25ha of spray-topped pasture and 34ha of Gatten Panic perennial grass. An estimated 15 - 22ha could be reclaimed for annual cropping with investment in reefinating and appropriate machinery.
Applied fertiliser rates align with district best practice, with 80kg Cropbuilder 18 Trace + 20kg MOP (10N, 14P, 10K, 4S, 0.06Cu, 0.16Zn) applied at seeding and NS spread post emergent. Approximately 2t/ha of limesand has been applied to all cropping areas in recent years.
Formal offers to purchase are invited, with settlement in January 2025. A detailed information Memorandum and cropping records are available on request to genuine buyers.
For further information or to arrange an inspection, please contact;
Yves Beagley - Nutrien Harcourts
M:0438 326 608
E: yves.beagley@nutrien.com.au
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Contact Selling Agent

Nutrien Harcourts
32 Farrall Road MIDVALE, 6056
Phone: 08 6459 8461