For Sale: 194 Collis Road

Property Features

Farm Features
Category : Mixed


Address : 194 Collis Road

Suburb : Hazelvale

State : WA

Postal Code : 6333

381.43-Acre Blue Gum Plantation in Hazelvale – Endless Potential Awaits!
Location: 194 Collis Road, Hazelvale, WA 6333
Acreage: 381.43 acres
Current Use: Blue Gum Plantation

Discover an incredible investment opportunity at 194 Collis Road, Hazelvale. Spanning over 381.43 acres, this expansive property is currently dedicated to a Blue Gum plantation.

The property is predominantly covered with a well-established Blue Gum plantation, presenting an excellent opportunity for continued agricultural use or potential conversion to other agricultural or recreational ventur...

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