For Sale: Cnr Clarkes Track & Ford Road

Property Features

Farm Features


Address : Cnr Clarkes Track & Ford Road

Suburb : Malanda

State : QLD

Postal Code : 4885

Quality Grazing I Permanent Water I Views
Narrawa is undoubtedly one of the most beautiful blocks in the district, being less than 15 mins from Malanda and an hour and half from Cairns, just on the outskirts of Jaggan & Tarzali and elevated with the most gorgeous views.

181 acres of quality grazing with three permanent springs that feed the Ithaca River, flowing on into the North Johnstone River. Narrawa has 28 rotational grazing paddocks with gravity fed water, predominately Brachiaria with Seteria, Shaws Creeping Vigna and Pinto le...

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